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Technically, a deemed forest is defined as a forest, regardless of its ownership, recognition, or notification status.
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Delhi’s Dwarka rail terminal petition shows that citizen activism is vital to protect loosely defined ‘deemed forests’


Sukriti Vats

October 17, 2024

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Residents of Kundol village at a sacred site for the Dangi Garasia tribes nestled within mountains and groves in Gujarat's Arvalli district. They fear that a mining project here will displace them and destroy their lands, their sole source of livelihood

In A Gujarat Village, A Clash Between Clean Energy Solutions & Those Who Bear The Cost Of The Transition


Sukriti Vats

September 19, 2024

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Article 14

Article 14

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Sukriti Vats

Is India Resisting Global Regulations on Plastic?


Sukriti Vats

September 1, 2024

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The Wire

The Wire

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Why Gujarat’s Use Of Tech To Verify Forest Rights Claims Is Concerning


Sukriti Vats

July 8, 2024

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India Spend

India Spend

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Why ‘Deemed Forest’ Tag For Rajasthan’s Orans May Not Save Them

The amended forest conservation rules of 2023 may effectively defang any protection afforded to the sacred groves by the deemed forest status, and restrict communities access to their traditional grazing lands.


Sukriti Vats

April 19, 2024

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Residents, activists claim new Goa airport construction has impacted water availability

Local residents of North Goa routinely face water shortages that they allege is due to the airport construction on the Barazan plateau. The geology of the plateau, with laterite rock below ground surface facilitates groundwater recharge. Through an intricate web of perennial springs and rivulets, the plateau would supply drinking water round the year to over 7,000 residents of six villages situated in close proximity to what is now the airport.


Maitreya Prithwiraj Ghorpade

March 9, 2024

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Mongabay India

Mongabay India

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Saif Ali stands in front of the rubble of his daughter’s house. The house was one of many demolished in January 2022 in Paloura village, in Jammu district, after a land-regularisation law was repealed, leaving many families with uncertain futures.

How government bulldozers razed the hopes of the landless in Jammu and Kashmir

For years, the Indian administration has selectively evicted people – especially Muslims – from lands regularised under the now-repealed Roshni Act, leaving some homeless and many others on edge


Rayan Naqash

March 4, 2024

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Rayan Naqash

Jharkhand’s “Just Transition” Remains On Paper As State Opens New Coal Mines, Fails to Shut Old Ones

In 2022, Jharkhand became the first state in the country to constitute a 'Just Transition' framework that would focus on reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting green energy, but instead of seeing efforts being made to close down coal mines, more projects have been opened in the state.


Sukriti Vats

March 3, 2024

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Protesters demonstrate during COP27 in November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. At COP27, developing countries led by African countries demanded the adoption of a framework under the Global Goal on Adaptation.

Can we adapt before climate change drowns us?

Despite rising sea levels, heatwaves, and floods, global efforts to adapt to climate change fall short, leaving vulnerable communities exposed.



February 21, 2024

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Frontline - The Hindu

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Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The amended Biological Diversity Act puts profits over people

One amendment uses “ease of doing business” as a rationale for conglomerates to be excused from paying a share of their profits to tribal populations.


Priyansha Chouhan

December 19, 2023

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Frontline - The Hindu

Frontline - The Hindu

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हार में 2020-21 में जल जीवन हरियाली मिशन के तहत 85,233 सोख्ता निर्माण हुआ है। इसके बावजूद सरकारी आंकड़े बताते हैं कि राज्य का भूजल स्तर गिर रहा है

बिहार की जल जीवन हरियाली योजना पर 24 हजार करोड़ खर्च, लेकिन नतीजा सिफर

बिहार सरकार की महत्वाकांक्षी जलवायु परिवर्तन परियोजना भूमिगत जल, सिंचाई जल स्रोत में वृद्धि और वृक्षारोपण के जरिए प्रदूषण कम करने में अब तक असमर्थ रही है


Rahul Kumar Gaurav

December 18, 2023

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Rahul Kumar Gaurav
Joymoti Choudhury says that her family struggles to survive after being evicted from the Silsako wetland.

In A Guwahati Wetland, As The Poor Are Removed, Big Buildings & Institutions, Also ‘Encroachers’, Untouched

As the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Assam removes “encroachments” on a Guwahati wetland, tribal communities living there said they had been paying property taxes and electricity for many years. State governments since 1991 allotted land on the wetland to companies and influential institutions. Today, 16 out of 17 of these lands, allotted by Congress governments, among others, the wife of a member of Parliament and a powerful businessman, are untouched as the poor are displaced.


Mahmodul Hassan

December 17, 2023

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Mahmodul Hassan

COP28: Historic agreement reached on fossil fuels, but developing nations unhappy

Lack of financial commitments and discrepancies between words and actions raise concerns about global commitment to climate action.


Mrinali K

December 12, 2023

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Frontline - The Hindu

Frontline - The Hindu

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COP28 opens in Dubai with landmark Loss and Damage Fund, setting an ambitious agenda for climate talks

Finance, adaptation, and fossil fuels are in focus, as countries strive to reach a comprehensive, impactful Global Climate Agreement.


Mrinali K.

November 30, 2023

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Frontline - The Hindu

Frontline - The Hindu

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How New Land Acquisition Procedure by Odisha Government Will Dilute Rights Of Nearly Half A Million Tribals

The revenue department of Odisha introduced a ‘comprehensive’ circular to compensate forest-dwelling tribes for acquisition of forest land they hold legal rights over. The land acquisition law protects the rights of forest-dwelling tribes, even if their claims under the forest rights law are pending, but experts say the circular makes it easier to appropriate forest land for non-forest purposes and exclude those enjoying livelihood rights on forest land as a community


Anmol Gupta

November 30, 2023

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Article 14

Article 14

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Congress focus on renewable energy in Rajasthan faces backlash on ground

While Ashok Gehlot’s government promises a “greener” future, there is simmering anger against renewable energy projects taking away agricultural land.


Sukriti Vats

November 21, 2023

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Frontline - Hindu

Frontline - Hindu

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Ken-Betwa link: Villagers in Madhya Pradesh allege raw deal over compensation, livelihood loss

India’s first-ever river-linking project is under the spotlight ahead of the Madhya Pradesh Assembly election on November 17.


Nikhil Ghanekar

November 14, 2023

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Frontline Hindu

Frontline Hindu

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Tribal communities in Madhya Pradesh face persecution for defending their rights

While tribal activists are arrested on false charges, forest officials are accused of colluding with timber smugglers.


Priyansha Chouhan

November 11, 2023

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Frontline - The Hindu

Frontline - The Hindu

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सांप्रदायिकता के रथ पर सवार हो संविधान को ‘सीधा’ करती उत्तराखंड सरकार

राज्य के वन विभाग द्वारा किए गए सर्वेक्षण से पता चला कि वनों में अनाधिकृत मंदिरों की संख्या मस्जिदों-मजारों से कई गुना ज्यादा है। सर्वेक्षण में जंगल क्षेत्र में 300 अनधिकृत मंदिर और आश्रम व करीब 35 अवैध मजार और मस्जिदों की गिनती की गयी।


Ajay Prakash

November 7, 2023

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Jan Chowk

Jan Chowk

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How MP Govt’s VanMitra Portal Threatens Tribal Rights Over Forest Land

While political parties woo tribals with promises of land titles ahead of the state elections, the VanMitra portal heightens their fear of dispossession


Sukriti Vats

November 5, 2023

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Chhattisgarh Adivasis Rue Loss Of Land

In a state where nearly every third person is a tribal, individual claimants protest receiving ownership of significantly less forest land under FRA than they applied for.


Natasha Trivedi

October 27, 2023

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Developed Countries push to move L&D fund out of the UNFCCC

As the crucial WB and IMF board meetings get underway, developed countries look to shake the loss and damage fund loose from the tethers of the UNFCCC (and it’s principles)  


Mrinali K

October 9, 2023

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Two years after Assam evictions, hundreds of families wait for their promised land

Evicted for an agricultural project in September 2021, thousands of Bengali-speaking Muslim farmers survive in squalid shelters today.


Mahmodul Hassan

September 22, 2023

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Frontline - The Hindu

Frontline - The Hindu

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Rich Countries' Proposal Can Block India, Pakistan From Accessing Loss and Damage Fund

The G20 Declaration significantly focused on Climate Finance! But rich nations' agenda threatens to prevent India from seeking money for climate related losses.


Mrinali K.

September 7, 2023

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The Wire

The Wire

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Photo: Unsplash

Purse Seine Ban in Tamil Nadu: A conflict over Coastal Resources

Fisherfolk's Livelihoods in Jeopardy as Purse Seine Ban takes effect in Tamil Nadu


Jeff Joseph

September 7, 2023

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Himal Southasian

Himal Southasian

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Purse-seiners, trawlers, and the epic fight over fishing in Tamil Nadu

A ban on purse-seine fishing in Tamil Nadu has threatened thousands of fishers’ livelihoods – and they are refusing to give up without a fight


Jeff Joseph

September 6, 2023

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Himal South Asian

Himal South Asian

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Another Place, Another Demolition: Daman, Run By A Modi Aide, Latest To Deal With Trauma Of Forced Eviction

Appointed by the union government, the administrator of the union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Praful Patel, ordered two demolition drives over in Daman in 2023 to remove houses deemed to be ‘illegal encroachments’ on government land, latest in a spate of demolitions in BJP-run or controlled state and union territories.


Maitreya Ghorpade

September 6, 2023

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Article 14

Article 14

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नूंह डेमोलिशन ड्राइव: न्यायालय आदेश और विधिक प्रक्रिया की अनदेखी कर सरकारी निरंकुशता का प्रमाण बना एक अभियान!

हरियाणा ने उच्च न्यायालय में दावा किया है कि नूंह में उसका विध्वंस अभियान केवल अनधिकृत निर्माणों के खिलाफ था, लेकिन तथ्य कुछ और ही बताते हैं।


Sukriti Vatsa & Priyansha Chauhan

September 3, 2023

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The Mooknayak

The Mooknayak

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Nuh demolitions: Bulldozer might is right

Even court directions were ignored in the frenzy to raze ‘unauthorised construction’ in Haryana's Nuh. On whose orders?


Sukriti Vats & Priyansha Chouhan

September 1, 2023

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National Herald

National Herald

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നൂഹിലെ ബുള്‍ഡോസര്‍ രാജ്: ഇടിച്ചുനിരപ്പാക്കിയ കോടതി വിധികളും ചട്ടങ്ങളും

ഒരു വിഭാഗത്തിനെതിരേ കൃത്യമായി ആസൂത്രണം ചെയ്തു നടക്കുന്ന ബുള്‍ഡോസര്‍ യജ്ഞം എന്നാണ് പരാതി


Sukriti Vats & Priyansha Chouhan

August 26, 2023

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How the demolition drive in Nuh went against court orders and due procedures

Haryana has claimed in the High Court that its demolition drive in Nuh was only against unauthorised constructions, but facts show otherwise.



August 24, 2023

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The Hindu - Frontline

The Hindu - Frontline

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Residents of Gunduribadi in Odisha’s Nayagarh district roam the nearby forests as they map the traditional boundary of their village in 2022.

Odisha’s ‘zero villages’ continue to struggle for benefits of welfare schemes

Odisha’s forest villages have been engaged in a struggle with the government for over two years to be recognised as revenue villages.


Aishwarya Mohanty

July 12, 2023

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The Hindu - Frontline

The Hindu - Frontline

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Atomsphere being polluted by fumes coming out of factory chimneys

Rich Countries Continue To Dilute Responsibility as World Looks To Set New Climate Finance Goal


Mrinali K

June 10, 2023

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The Wire

The Wire

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 Tribals in Kerala’s Attappady Want Their Land Back

Swindled by State Inaction: Tribals in Kerala’s Attappady Want Their Land Back


Jeff Joseph

June 1, 2023

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The Wire

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Jeff Joseph
Rajpura Thermal Power Plant

After PMO’s Intervention, Power Ministry Drops the Idea of Decentralising Carbon Markets in India


Prudhviraj Rupavath

May 17, 2023

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Photo: Npl-User1234/CC BY-SA 4.0
Women left homeless in the Tughlakabad demolitions sit in protest, with a sign referencing the BJP’s slogan “jahan jhuggi wahan makan”/ TUGHLAKABAD RESIDENTS

Field Notes: Fear & Fury In Delhi’s Demolition Sites


Mukta Joshi & Prudhviraj Rupavath

May 17, 2023

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Article 14

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A power company illegally erected wind mills on tribal land in the Attappady Hills. The state government ordered the company to withdraw from there but that order has not yet been implemented.

केरल में अपनी ही जमीन से क्यों बेदखल किए जा रहे हैं ये आदिवासी


Jeff Joseph

May 16, 2023

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Down To Earth

Down To Earth

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Jeff Joseph
Atta ur Rehman, a tailor and resident of New Delhi’s Tughlakabad basti, amidst the remains of his demolished home, built 11 years ago

Thousands Traumatised In New Delhi: As Law Is Ignored, Homes & Lives Are Torn Apart For G20 Summit


Prudhviraj Rupavath, Mukta Joshi

May 7, 2023

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Mukta Joshi
Energy major Suzlon has set up windmills on leased tribal land in Nallasingha village of Attappady block of Kerala. A high-level government committee has asked the land to be returned to the tribal people.

Displaced by settlers: Tribal communities in Kerala’s Attappady block are being alienated from their land


Jeff Joseph

April 16, 2023

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Down to Earth

Down to Earth

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Jeff Joseph
47-year old Sunita living in Happy Enclave basti in Dehradun

After High Court Verdict, Thousands Fear Homelessness, As Dehradun Government Begins Illegal Evictions


Mukta Joshi

March 6, 2023

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Article 14

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Mukta Joshi
representative image of a forest

Tribal Panel Invokes Special Powers to Evaluate States’ Implementation of Forest Rights Act


Prudhviraj Rupavath

February 27, 2023

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The Wire

The Wire

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Photo: Roy/Pixahive, CC0
Farmers in Ramod village in Kotda Sangani tehsil in the western Gujarat district of Rajkot. They have filed complaints seeking corrections in their land titles, which they say are erroneous.

How Gujarat’s Rural Land Digitisation Programme Was Botched, Starting A Fresh Trail Of Land Litigation


Prudhviraj Rupavath

December 8, 2022

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Article 14

Article 14

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Prudhviraj Rupavath
A fisherman stands near a floating homestay on Loktak lake

Future adrift: India’s Indigenous Meitei lose floating homestays


Mukta Joshi

December 6, 2022

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Mukta Joshi
A security personnel stands guard next to a COP27 sign at the COP27 climate summit venue in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, November 20, 2022.

The Five Upshots of COP27 – and Its Principal Triumph


Radhika Chatterjee & Mrinali K

November 23, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Photo: Reuters/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
The COP27 sign is seen at the UN climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, November 17, 2022.

COP27: Adaptation Draft Text Drops Equity, Science Over Poorer Countries’ Protests


Mrinali K

November 18, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Photo: Reuters/Emilie Madi
A jar with coins and a green sapling

COP27: Poorer Countries Seek Bold Action, Richer Countries Try to Stall and Delay


Radhika Chatterjee

November 17, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
Irulas of Guruthaddanur village

How Tamil Nadu has denied its forest dwellers their land rights


Jeff Joseph

November 16, 2022

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Jeff Joseph
Poster of a rolled currency with text in Hindi

“जलवायु परिवर्तन सम्मेलन में हमारी नज़र विकसित देशों पर है जो अपने वादों से पीछे हट रहे हैं”


Mrinali K

November 14, 2022

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Carbon Copy Hindi

Carbon Copy Hindi

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Michai Robertson, Advisor to AOSIS

COP27: “Our focus at COP27 is developed countries backtracking on their Mitigation Commitments”


Mrinali K

November 14, 2022

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Carbon Copy

Carbon Copy

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A held up placard reading, "There is no planet B."

COP27: After Missing Funds Promise, US Asks Countries To Ask Private Sector


Radhika Chatterjee & Mrinali K

November 12, 2022

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The Wire Science

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Photo by Li-An Lim | Unsplash
Diego Pacheco, Bolivia, on behalf of Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDCs)

Developed Countries Plan To Continue Using Carbon Space of Developing Countries


Radhika Chatterjee

November 11, 2022

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The Wire Science

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Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
A tree stump

Changes in conservation rules ease development projects on forest land


Prudhviraj Rupavath

November 10, 2022

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Land Conflict Watch
Young Baiga women (Adivasi tribe), India

Forest Rights Act: Over 1.6M Families Face Threat of Eviction From Forest Land


Prudhviraj Rupavath

November 8, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Simon Williams / Ekta Parishad
An image of earth as seen from space with one half disintegrating

COP27 : Five issues that could see developed and developing nations locking horns over


Radhika Chatterjee & Mrinali K

November 4, 2022

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Money Control

Money Control

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Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Arjun Sahariya, husband of the deceased Rampyari

गुना में जहाँ ज़मीन के लिए महिला को ज़िंदा जलाया गया, वहां सैकड़ों आदिवासियों की जमीनों पर है अवैध कब्ज़ा


Satish Bhartiya

November 1, 2022

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The Mooknayak

The Mooknayak

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Photo Credits- Satish Bhartiya
A group of people standing near trees

After Tall Speeches, UK Defaults on $288M Committed to Green Climate Fund


Mrinali K

October 21, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Mika Baumeister | Unsplash
Poster with text asking how close are we to achieving net zero emissions?

Net Zero Targets: A Shot In The Dark At Mitigating Climate Change


Radhika Chatterjee

October 21, 2022

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Carbon Copy

Carbon Copy

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Diagram of a pitcher watering a plant

क्लाइमेट फाइनेंस की अस्पष्ट परिभाषा से विकासशील देशों के लिए दिक्कत


Mrinali K

October 14, 2022

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Carbon Copy Hindi

Carbon Copy Hindi

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Climate Finance Policy

Developing Nations Battle For Clarity As Climate Finance Remains Inadequate


Mrinali K

October 7, 2022

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Photo: UN
A map of Manuguru town. The push for urban local bodies in Fifth Schedule areas such as Manuguru undermines the right to local self-governance guaranteed by the Constitution.

Are tribal panchayats in protected areas being illegally converted to municipalities?


Anmol Gupta & Jeff Joseph

September 22, 2022

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Jeff Joseph
Forest dwellers from Himachal Pradesh protesting in front of state assembly at Dharamshala, 2018

A Decade Of Resisting Law That Gives Adivasis Rights Over Forests = Climate Disasters For Himachal Pradesh


Manshi Asher

September 21, 2022

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Sumit Mahar
सागर जिले के केवलारी कलां गांव के गणेश चढ़ार जिनकी 2.47 एकड़ जमीन अभी तक कंप्यूटरीकृत नहीं हुई

मध्य प्रदेश में भूमि रिकॉर्ड में गड़बड़ी, दलितों-आदिवासियों की जमीन दूसरों के नाम


Satish Bhartiya

September 2, 2022

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Down To Earth

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Satish Bhartiya
Shivaraj with wife Chinnama and daughter

How Poor Implementation of FRA Deprives Tamil Nadu's Irulas of Livelihood


Jeff Joseph

August 23, 2022

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The Quint

The Quint

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Jeff Joseph
A person tilling land with a couple of buffalos

सरकार आदिवासियों और जंगल में रहने वालों की मर्जी के बिना वनों को काटने की स्वीकृति देने जा रही है


Mukta Joshi, Nitin Sethi

July 7, 2022

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Newslaundry Hindi

Newslaundry Hindi

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Bishnu Sarangi | Pixabay
Tribal women in Bastar

Government to approve cutting down of forests without consent from tribals and forest dwellers


Mukta Joshi & Nitin Sethi

July 6, 2022

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Tribal women in Bastar, Chhattisgarh|Shutterstock
Chhattisgarh tribals fighting back miners

How are Chhattisgarh’s tribals fighting back miners in central India’s densest forest?


Pragathi Ravi

June 26, 2022

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Researchers Fear for Academic Freedom

Researchers at WII Fear for Academic Freedom With New Govt Interference


Jeff Joseph

June 10, 2022

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The Wire

The Wire

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Photo: Harendra Dagar/Flickr, CC BY 2.0
pipeline kerala

How the fight against a pipeline in Kerala travelled downstream


Jeff Joseph

May 18, 2022

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Jeff Joseph
A high angle view of a lush green valley

[विश्लेषण] अंधाधुंध हो रही जंगलों की कटाई लेकिन इसकी वित्तीय कीमत बढ़ाने को लेकर परहेज


Mrinali K

April 27, 2022

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Mongabay Hindi

Mongabay Hindi

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Paul Hamilton | Flickr
Net Present Value for cutting forest

[Analysis] Developers should pay a higher Net Present Value for cutting forests


Mrinali K

April 26, 2022

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Jahangirpuri Demolitions

Despite BJP's Claims, Jahangirpuri Demolitions Were Far From a Legitimate Anti-Encroachment Drive


Anmol Gupta, Jeff Joseph and Mukta Joshi

April 21, 2022

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The Wire

The Wire

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Nitin Sethi
Telangana govt stalls Podu land scrutiny

Telangana govt stalls Podu land scrutiny: Nearly one lakh Adivasis hit


Prudhviraj Rupavath

April 9, 2022

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The News Minute

The News Minute

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Macharla Satyam
Resettle Kashmiri hindu

India’s push to resettle Kashmiri Hindus exposes old fault lines


Ashutosh Sharma

April 1, 2022

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Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera

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Ashutosh Sharma

Manipur’s BJP-Led Government Evaded The Law, Misled Court For Two Mega-Projects


Mukta Joshi

February 21, 2022

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The Wire Science

The Wire Science

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Nitin Sethi

Months Before Polls, Uttarakhand Govt Made Mining Easier In State Ravaged By Landslides, Deforestation


Prudhviraj Rupavath

February 14, 2022

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Reenu Paul
Forest destruction

विश्लेषण: पिछले दो साल में नागालैंड राज्य के बराबर जंगल हुए ‘खराब’


Prudhviraj Rupavath

January 30, 2022

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Mongabay Hindi

Mongabay Hindi

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Saurabh Sawant | Wikimedia Commons

[Analysis] Indian Forests Around The Size Of Nagaland, Thinned Down In Two Years


Prudhviraj Rupavath

January 27, 2022

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Denied Lawful Compensation For Land Acquired for Noida International Airport

Denied Lawful Compensation For Land Acquired for Noida Airport, Farmers Contest Modi’s Claims


Mukta Joshi and Prudhviraj Rupavath

January 6, 2022

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Mukta Joshi

How The Government Buried The Idea Of A Land Reforms Policy


Nihar Gokhale

October 30, 2021

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The Morning Context

The Morning Context

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Drones To Resolve Rural Land Disputes: A Modi Govt Plan Spawns New Quarrels


Prudhviraj Rupavath

October 13, 2021

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In ‘World’s Largest’ Lift Irrigation Project, Telangana Govt Violates Land Acquisition Laws


Prudhviraj Rupavath and Shreethigha Ganeshan

September 15, 2021

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The Wire

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A Protest In West Bihar Shows How Unsurveyed Land Leaves Residents Vulnerable


Nihar Gokhale

August 27, 2021

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Clearance For A Jammu Dam Reveals How Fake Govt Claims Deprive India’s Tribals Of Legal Rights



August 19, 2021

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Article 14

Article 14

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A U-turn On An Elephant Reserve, A Bonanza for Coal Miners


Nihar Gokhale

August 7, 2021

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The Morning Context

The Morning Context

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उत्तराखंड: जंगल बचाने वाले ग्रामीणों का जंगल पर ही नहीं है कोई हक


Varsha Singh

August 4, 2021

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Newslaundry Hindi

Newslaundry Hindi

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In Crucial Verdict, Supreme Court Allows TN To Acquire Land Using State Laws, Not LARR


Nihar Gokhale

July 24, 2021

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The Wire

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Centre's Plans To Link Aadhaar With Land Records Moves A Step Closer To Reality


Nihar Gokhale

July 15, 2021

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As Mining Returns To Ballari, Farmers Have Nowhere To Turn


Mohit M Rao

June 26, 2021

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The Morning Context

The Morning Context

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Is Uttarakhand Abusing Disaster Management Laws To Allow Rampant Riverbed Mining?


Mukta Joshi

June 17, 2021

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Losing Ground - The Uncounted Costs Of Coastal Erosion


Nihar Gokhale

May 31, 2021

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The Caravan

The Caravan

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Govt Ignored NTCA Warning That Sagarmala Plan Is Bad For Western Ghats Biodiversity


Nihar Gokhale

April 27, 2021

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Laws And Court Orders Say Delhi’s Ponds, Lakes Shouldn’t Disappear. They Do.


Flavia Lopes

April 22, 2021

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India’s Slow Race To An E-Bus Future


Bhasker Tripathi

April 19, 2021

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A Year After Delhi Riots, Muslim Families Are Selling Homes And Moving Out


Flavia Lopes

April 7, 2021

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Draft Amendment To Forest Conservation Act May Dilute Protection To Forests


Nihar Gokhale & Mukta Joshi

March 25, 2021

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International Org Questions India Decision To Dilute Coal Plants’ Pollution Norms


Bhasker Tripathi

March 16, 2021

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Can Forest Clearance Grantees Have Their Names Added In Record Of Rights, MoEF&CC Asks States


Nihar Gokhale & Mukta Joshi

March 11, 2021

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Rich, Upper-Caste Land Owners Will Benefit Most In MP Land Scheme


Mridula Chari

March 2, 2021

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An Impending SC Judgment Can Change How Land Rights Are Seen Countrywide


Nihar Gokhale

March 2, 2021

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Govt Land Barter Deal Dodges The Law, Benefits The Rich


Mridula Chari

March 1, 2021

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In 12 Years, 11 States Changed Land Ceiling Laws In Favour Of Industry Over Farmers


Flavia Lopes & Mridula Chari

February 10, 2021

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